Rob's List: 35 reasons not to join (or stay in) military medicine
Rob's List in MS Word format to e-mail to your friends and enemies: Reasons not to join (or stay in) military "health care" 2024
Military Service is Exactly Unrequited Love (for lawyers, as well as doctors): Report: Navy lawyer denied promotion
Carcassone (from 2023): Don't join- 15 yrs done, I'm out
Turkish's list: Reasons not to Join
USAFDoc: Avoid Military Medicine if possible
Homunculus (mod): Cons of military medicine
Homunculus (mod): 1 year out update...
MedicalCorpse: The Military Assignment System [or: Can I go where I want to and stay there for my career?]
MedicalCorpse: Expect to be attacked online if you speak the truth about milmed Do you fantasize that you'll be able to give doctors orders in the military without having them overturned by a nurse?
...more links to come as I find them or you send them to me (hint!)